Help! I found a...

Hawk, owl, vulture, eagle, or falcon

Please read the information below and Contact a Permitted Category II Wildlife Rehabilitator if you need further advice or help. 


Numerous deceased birds, primarily Canada geese and ducks, have been found in Ohio and surrounding states in early 2025. If you come across a dead bird, put on gloves, double bag it in black garbage bags, dispose of it and the gloves in the regular curbside trash, wash your hands thoroughly, and call 1-800-WILDLIFE to make a report with the Ohio Division of Wildlife. 

Although waterfowl and domestic chickens are currently the main animals affected, raptors and mammals that eat infected animals may also pick up the virus. 

More more information, please visit:

We are very fortunate to have RAPTOR, Inc., a world-class raptor rehabilitation center, in Southwest Ohio! The following is excerpted from RAPTOR, Inc.'s website. 

Birds of prey are typically recognized by their sharp curved beaks and talons. There are over 20 different species of birds of prey indigenous to the Greater Cincinnati area. Birds of prey include owls, hawks, falcons, eagles, osprey, harriers, kites and vultures.

What do you do when you find an injured raptor?

Raptors face many environmental hazards including collisions with vehicles and windows, entanglement in fishing line, kite and balloon strings, and barbed wire, and injuries from predators. They are also vulnerable to infections, starvation, and poisoning from pesticides.

An injured or ill raptor is a wild animal and will likely react aggressively out of fear, pain or defense when approached by people. Handling of these animals can be dangerous, aggravate the illness or injury, and can also kill the animal just from the stress of being captured.

Our goals are to safely contain the animal, place it in a stress-free environment, and get it to the licensed raptor rehabilitators at RAPTOR Inc. as soon as possible.